Upcoming Closures:
Closed For Father’s Day — Sunday, 6/18
Closed For 4th of July— Tuesday, 7/4
Make-Up Classes:
Tai Chi Make-up Class — Saturday, 6/17, 3:30pm
For his annual summer seminar, Grandmaster Sin Thé has decided to teach the Tai Chi Whipping Stick form. This form has six sections and eighteen posters. It uses the same length of stick as the Tai Chi Stick – The Stick the Beat the Dog form he taught in 2015 which should measure from your sternum to the floor. Grandmaster Sin describes this form as “beautiful yet lethal” and that it moves the stick to your left hand a lot.
There will be a virtual event via Zoom on Sunday, June 25th from 1-3:30 Central Time. If you would like to register here, we will send your money to Lexington and you will get the email, zoom link and pdf file from them.

Master Sheryl has been organizing a Shaolin-Do Women’s Retreat for many years at our school, and it’s always a highlight for our students. This year, she’ll be offering it twice — once to women only, and once to anyone who wants to take it!
July 9th, 2023 – For Women Only
Cost: $85
Includes kata, workshop, and exclusive T-shirt.
This retreat is for women who are already Shaolin-Do students, of any rank in Kung Fu or Tai Chi, 13 years old and older.
July 16th – Open to All Students
Cost: $60
Includes kata & workshop (no T-Shirt)
This retreat is open to all students of all genders, as long as they are ages 13 and older and already a student in Kung Fu or Tai Chi.
*We need at least 10 people to sign up for this version of the retreat in order to have it, so sign up now if you’re interested!*
Next year’s tournament will also have a demonstration (the first one in many years) and we can do this form then for those interested in performing! We’ll meet a few times between July and February to be sure you have it and put it to music. We’ve performed this one a few times since the school’s inception, and it is awesome! This is the first time in years that Master Sheryl has taught it out.
New Adult Kung Fu Testing Schedule:
To formalize testing a bit more and give it the credit it is due, we will have regular testing days for Kung Fu beginning June 17th. Yesterday was the first one.
We will return to the old way of testing, by testing on special days, and no longer during class time. This will allow us to focus on your progress, to test you on what you have learned to that point, and you can even bring friends or family to spectate and take photos.
This applies to ADULT KUNG FU. Tai Chi students may invited to test at these events by invitation from M. Joe.
July TestingJuly 1 Saturday 3:15,
July 5th Wednesday at 6:30 pm and
Sunday 16th at 4 pm (** this is special because MJ and I are out of town on Sat. the 15th)
August TestingEveryone will test in front of Grandmaster Sin on Thursday August 24th starting at 6:30 pmSeptember TestingSaturday 30th at 3:15 (no earlier options due to required delay after GM Sin testing)October TestingWednesday 4th at 6:40 pmno testing on the 7th as MJ and MS will be out of townSaturday 21st at 3:15November TestingWednesday 1st at 6:30 pmSaturday 4th at 3:15 pmSaturday 18th at 3:15 pmDecember TestingSaturday 2nd 3:15 pmWed 6th 6:30 pmSat16th at 3:15 pm
Minimum Time Required Between Tests:
The minimum time to reach yellow, blue, green or 3rd brown belt is 2 months per level from the date of your last test.
There is a 4 month minimum to test into 2nd brown, a 6 month minimum to test into 1st brown or 1st black belt.
There will be NO testing 30 days prior to or immediately after, a visit from Grandmaster Sin, as all of that testing will occur in front of him.
Expect to test over ALL of your material for each of these tests, not just your new material.

Kung Fu and Tai Chi
8910 Research Blvd E-1
First turn past Pinballz on 183
The take driveway slightly uphill to warehouse park.
Austin, TX 78758