Kung Fu & Tai Chi
ONLINE Classes
Virtual Class ENrollment
To May 31st
$40 For Any One Program
Kids – Adult Kung Fu – Tai Chi – Senior Tai Chi
We have over 25 classes per week and every student has multiple classes each week for training. We have multiple instructors and all students will be learning new movements and advancing their training each week.
- $40 Covers Classes Until May 31st
- No Enrollment Contracts
- At Least Two Classes Per Week
- All virtual online classes provided through ZOOM meeting software (free for user)
You will get a confirmation email after enrolling with:
- Full class schedule
- PDF student manual
- Access to supplemental training videos
- Access to our CLOSED Facebook group for facebook LIVE events
- Access to a special mindfulness training once a week with Master Joe Schaefer
How To Go To Online Classes
Please try your best to show up on time in the School Online Training Room. We will divide the students and instructors into virtual breakout rooms based on belt levels.
Devices that will work
Mobile Phones
All Classes Login In To Same Link Now
Online Meeting Room
Joe Schaefer’s Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 546 949 3553
One tap mobile
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
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Meeting ID: 546 949 3553
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a0sjbBZm1